Engagement Session

The engagement session is a photo session with the engaged couple typically shot well before the wedding day. The main idea with an engagement shoot is to portray the bride and groom in a relaxed atmosphere, showing their love and affection for each other.

Additionally, it gives the photographer and the couple a chance to get to know each other in a relaxed, yet professional, setting before the wedding itself.

These should be shot in a pleasant location. The location is often chosen by the photographer, but may also be picked by the bride and groom if they have a "favorite" spot or location that they would like to use.

We ask that the couple dress casually, although neatly, and that they wear muted colors. In particular, no pure black, and preferably no pure white blouses or shirts -there will be plenty of these on the wedding day! As well, tops should not be very bright colors because this will detract from the relaxed look we are aiming for.

Photographs from the engagement session will be put up on a web site for the couple to look through. As well, any of them can be included in the final album, if the couple wishes.